The Material Handling Blog

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Solve the Complexities of Payload Storage and Retrieval

January 04, 2023
Managing a warehouse operation is not an easy job. Land costs and warehouse leasing charges are increasing exponentially. At the same time, there is also limited availability of trained operators which adds to expenditures, either in training cost, recruitment or addition of new technology that fulfils the task. However, for a business to successfully meet consumer needs, it is essential to optimize the centre for picking, storing and shipping. These opportunities for efficiency cannot be overlooked.
Posted in General Blogs

Cold Food Storage: Leveraging 5 Key Automation Technologies

August 25, 2021
Real estate is a hot item right now. Coupled with changing consumer grocery and ecommerce buying habits and frozen goods growth, cold storage is in demand. Whether a metropolitan location, to satisfy microfulfillment and hyperlocal needs, or as a regional distribution center, commercial real estate availability has dropped according to Real Capital Analytics. Cold storage industry growth, however, is projected at 4.5% by 2023. This means storage providers are faced with the challenge of optimizing facilities while handling increased inventory volumes and speed. How can cold chain supply professionals effectively prepare for this expected growth? By eliminating inefficiencies and leveraging the right material handling automation.

Mini-Load ASRS: What is it & why does Australia need it?

January 24, 2018
ASRS is the short way of saying “Automated Storage and Retrieval System.” Although these systems have been around for several years, many in warehousing facilities have not heard of it, and those who have might not exactly understand what it is or how it could benefit their operations.
Posted in System Automation
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